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Cooperation Agreement for the International Publishing of China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety and Other China-Themed Books Signed in London

Publish Date:2023-04-23
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On April 18, the signing ceremony for cooperation in the international publishing of China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety and other China-themed books was held at the London Book Fair 2023. The ceremony was sponsored by China International Communications Group (CICG) and organized by Foreign Languages Press (FLP).

▲ The 2023 London Book Fair

It was attended by more than 20 Chinese and international guests including Lu Cairong, vice president of CICG; Wang Qi, minister-counsellor at the Chinese Embassy in the UK; Bassam Chebaro, CEO of Arab Scientific Publishers; Lina Chebaro, chief editor and rights director of Arab Scientific Publishers; and several executives from institutes and companies under CICG. Video addresses were delivered by Li Zhaoxing, former Chinese foreign minister and author of China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety , and Wang Jingyun, co-author of the book and director of Asian Etiquette Culture Research Center. FLP’s President and Editor-in-Chief Hu Kaimin hosted the ceremony.

▲Lu Cairong delivering a speech

Lu Cairong expressed his appreciation that Minister Li Zhaoxing’s book reveals the rich cultural elements rooted in the minds of the Chinese people through the analysis of traditional Chinese ceremonies and proprieties, providing a new perspective for the world to understand China. He also said that FLP and Arabic Scientific Publishers, benefiting from a higher level of China-Arab relations, have brought us the latest results of cultural communication based on mutual trust, which will inject new impetus to cultural communication and publishing in both China and Lebanon.

▲ Bassam Chebaro delivering a speech

Bassam Chebaro expressed his delight to publish in Arabic the China-themed books in cooperation with FLP. He said that the book will help people in the Arab world to gain a better understanding of Chinese culture through traditional Chinese ceremonies and proprieties, a most direct approach. He also anticipated that introducing China-themed books through the distribution network of Arab Scientific Publishers will emphasize the attractions of China to the whole Arab world.

▲ Video address by Li Zhaoxing

Li Zhaoxing noted that under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, relations between China and the Arab states have risen to a new level. He said that the publication of China-themed books in Arabic such as China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety will help the Arab world build a better understanding of the past and present of China, and offer insights into the spirit of the nation. He hoped that his book will help Arab readers who are interested in China to better understand the Chinese people and their culture, and clarify China’s approach to diplomacy as one that is committed to promoting world peace and development.

▲Video address by Wang Jingyun

Wang Jingyun observed that China and the Arab states share a long friendship that continues to flourish, and we have worked together for prosperity and national rejuvenation. She said that the publication in Arabic of books such as China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety will help the Arab world to build a better understanding of China. The book’s interpretation of China’s ceremonies and proprieties, a core element of Chinese culture, will contribute to steady and sustained development of our friendship.

▲ Hu Kaimin hosting the event

FLP and Arab Scientific Publishers signed an international publishing agreement on six China-themed books, each of printed and electronic editions. The books are to be translated and published in Arabic to provide a cultural feast for readers in Lebanon. Lu Cairong, vice president of CICG, Wang Qi, minister-counsellor at the Chinese Embassy in the UK, and other guests took a group photo at the ceremony.

▲The signing ceremony

FLP’s President and Editor-in-Chief Hu Kaimin presented three books to Bassam Chebaro, CEO of Arab Scientific Publishers: China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety , Snow by the Sea and The Hot Springs on Moon Mountains .

▲Book presentation

In addition to China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety , the cooperation also includes The Whole-Process People’s Democracy: Why Is This Chinese Democracy? , Impressions of China: Chinese People , Putting the People First: 100 Memorable Moments in China's New Era Since 2012 , Snow by the Sea and The Hot Springs on Moon Mountain .


▲On-site negotiations

China, Land of Ceremony and Propriety elaborates on the formation of Chinese ceremonies and proprieties, with respect and integrity at the core. Through an exploration of the history and the ethical traditions of Chinese ceremonies and proprieties of the Chinese people from the perspectives of self-discipline, family ethics, and nation-building, it unveils the historical and cultural roots of how Chinese people think and behave. The book also demonstrates how harmony, one of the most important proprieties, has influenced China’s approach to diplomacy and its contribution to the world.