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Chinese Ceramics: From the Paleolithic Period through the Qing Dynasty
  • Author Li Zhiyan
  • Book NO. 06711
  • Words
  • Pages
  • Price 698
  • Edition 1-1
  • ISBN 978-7-119-06711-7
  • Format 8
  • Publish Year 2011
  • Language Chinese
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The art of Chinese ceramics has its origins in the earliest days of Chinese civilization. From Paleolithic times until at least the end of China’s dynastic era in 1911, clay creations have accompanied and even spurred technological innovations and transformative events in Chinese culture and society. This lavishly illustrated and carefully researched historical review captures the arc of this evolution in both image and text. The product of a ten-year collaboration among eminent American, Chinese, and Japanese scholars, it offers not only dazzling photographs of extravated treasures, but also a wealth of new information about the importance of Chinese ceramics for China and indeed, the world. With illuminating chapters that trace the origins and development of the many vessels and sculptural forms, as well as chapters by experts on export wares and authenticity issues, this book will be a beautiful and essential reference for every reader who has been captivated by the history and unparalleled artistry of Chinese ceramics.