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Friends and Good Neighbors in a Harmonious World:Diplomatic Thinking in the Chinese System(Chinese edition)
  • Author Li Hongshan
  • Book NO. 12876
  • Words 83.6thousand
  • Pages 152
  • Price 45
  • Edition 1-1
  • ISBN 978-7-119-12876-4
  • Format 32
  • Publish Year 2022
  • Language Chinese
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Fostering amity with neighbors and promoting harmony among all nations is the principle guiding China’s interactions with other countries. China advocates the principle of pursuing the greater good and promoting mutually beneficial cooperation. It values credibility, calling on countries to seek common ground while shelving differences. Through several stories about external exchanges in ancient times, the book introduces readers to the foreign policy of peace China has long pursued. Based on equality, inclusiveness, trust, and shared interests, the policy is intended to promote good-neighborliness and friendship, and to achieve the common good of the world.