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Splendors of Quanzhou, Past and Present - Dr. William N. Brown’s Perspective on the Maritime Silk Road(Chinese edition)
  • Author William N.Brown
  • Book NO. 13180
  • Words 150thousand
  • Pages 256
  • Price 78
  • Edition 1-1
  • ISBN 978-7-119-13180-1
  • Format 16
  • Publish Year 2022
  • Language Chinese
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Quanzhou, once known as Zaytun, is a remarkable historical landmark that marks the beginning of the Maritime Silk Road. It is also a stunning modern international garden city that showcases the beauty of contemporary urban planning. The author, Dr. William N. Brown, has visited Quanzhou and its surrounding areas multiple times, immersing himself in its rich history and prosperous present. This book takes readers on a journey through time, starting with Marco Polo’s travelogue, tracing the story of ancient Zaytun and recounting the contemporary development of Quanzhou through historical buildings and modern scenery. Despite its focus on rapid development, Quanzhou places great value on preserving and continuing its historical context. The city’s charm lies in the coexistence of the past and present, creating an infinite appeal.