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A PROMISE IS A PROMISE: China’s Approach and Practice of Targeted Poverty Alleviation(French edition)
  • Author Huang Chengwei
  • Book NO. 12544
  • Words 200thousand
  • Pages 436
  • Price 98
  • Edition 1-1
  • ISBN 978-7-119-12544-2
  • Format 16
  • Publish Year 2021
  • Language French
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Poverty is a common challenge for human society. In 2020, China accomplished on schedule its poverty alleviation target and completely eliminated absolute poverty for the first time over its thousands of years of history – a momentous achievement for the country, and for humanity as a whole.
What is the background of China’s victory in its fight against poverty? What is the theoretical guidance for poverty alleviation? How did the Communist Party of China make decisions and deploy poverty alleviation measures step by step? How can China effectively keep its poverty alleviation results while achieving rural revitalization? This book makes summaries by examining one case from each of the five levels: province, city, county, township, and village. It allows readers to understand how Xi Jinping’s poverty alleviation ideas are practiced at village and household levels and how targeted poverty alleviation is achieved.